description: sddsanalyzebeam analyzes a beam of macro-particles and produces an SDDS
file containing beam moments, emittances, equivalent beta functions, etc. The beam file is
of the type written by elegant using the output field of the run_setup command, or the
WATCH element.
inputfile — An SDDS file containing the columns x, xp, y, yp, t, and p, giving the
six phase-space coordinates for a set of macroparticles. This file can be produced from
elegant, for example, using the output field of the run_setup command, the bunch
field of the bunched_beam command, or the WATCH element in coordinate mode.
outputfile — An SDDS file containing columns giving moments, emittances, equivalent
Twiss parameters, and so on, for the macro-particles. Each row of this file corresponds
to a page of the input file. The names and meanings of the columns are identical to
what is used for elegant’s final output file from the run_setup command. The file
from elegant, however, stores the results as parameters instead of columns; to convert
outputfile to that convention, use the SDDS toolkit program sddsexpand.
pipe — The standard SDDS Toolkit pipe option.
nowarnings — Suppressses warning messages.
correctedOnly — If given, only the “corrected” twiss parameters and emittances are
computed and output. The corrected twiss parameters have the dispersive component
subtracted. Normally, these are computed but given names like betacx, ecx, etc. whereas
the uncorrected values are betax, ex, etc. The corrected parameters are the correct
ones to match a beamline to, since they have the dispersive and mono-energetic terms
properly separated. The uncorrected values are more relevant if the dispersion is spurious
(i.e., uncorrected or due to something like CSR that doesn’t admit of correction).
-canonical — If given, all computations are performed using canonical momenta
qx = px∕p0 = x′(1 + δ)∕ etc.