description: Requests sampling of the fields vs time or space coordinates. One may set up
sampling of a specific field component along a line in z or r, with output vs the distance along
the line at specified times or else output of the average value along the line vs time.
Requests logging of Ez as a function of time, with samples made a 10ps simulated time intervals
starting with the start of the simulation. The data output is the average of Ez along a line from
z = 0 to z = 1cm.
filename: Name of an SDDS file to which to write the data.
component: Field component to sample. Must be one of ”Ez”, ”Er”, ”Jz”, ”Jr”, ”Bphi”,
”Phi”, ”Ephi”, ”Bz”, ”Br”, ”Q”, ”Eall”, or ”Ball”, E is the electric field, B is the magnetic
field, J is the current density, Phi is the scalar potential, and Q charge assigned to a
grid point. ”Eall” and ”Ball” request, respectively, all E- and B-field components. As
of version 4.8.0, the E- and B-field outputs are obtained using the same interpolation
routines as used for particle pushing, rather than merely taking the nearest grid points.
direction: The direction of the line along which samples are taken. Must be ”z” or ”r”.
min_coord, max_coord: The minimum and maximum coordinates of the sample line.
position: The position of the sample line in the direction orthogonal to direction.
time_sequence: Flag requesting that instead of writing the selected component as a
function of the coordinate direction, spiffe instead write the average value of the
component along the sample line as a function of time. It zero, then spiffe creates a
new SDDS page for each sample time.
start_time: The simulated time in seconds at which to start sampling.
time_interval: The simulated time interval in seconds at which to make samples.