description: Defines integration parameters and begins integration. Allows specifying the
integration time step, the total time to integrate, and other conditions of integration.
Starts integration of equations for particles and fields at a simulated time of 0, taking steps of 1ps,
until reaching 5ns. Every 128 steps, status information is printed to the screen. Space charge is
start_time: Simulation start time. Typically 0 for new runs. Ignored for runs that
involve fields loaded from other simulations.
finish_time: Simulation stop time.
status_interval: Interval in units of a simulation step between status printouts.
space_charge: Flag requesting inclusion of space-charge in the simulation.
check_divergence: Flag requesting that status printouts include a check of the field
values using the divergence equation.
smoothing_parameter: Specifies a simple spatial filter for the current density. The
smoothing parameter, s, is used to compute two new quantities, c1 = 1 - s and
c2 = s∕2. The program smooths longitudinal variation for constant radius, using
Ao→ (A-+A+)c2 +Aoc1, where Ao is the central value and A± are the adjacent values
to a grid point. This function is rarely used and I do not recommend it.
J_filter_multiplier: Specifies a simple time-domain filter for the current density. For
each point on the grid, the new current density value J(1) is replaced by J(1)*(1-f)+
J(0) *f. This is an infinite impulse response filter. This function is rarely used and I do
not recommend it.
terminate_on_total_loss: Flag requesting that when all simulation particles are lost
(e.g., by hitting a wall or exiting the simulation), the simulation should terminate.
status_output: Provide the name of a file to which to write status information, including
statistics on the beams and fields. File is in SDDS format.
lost_particles: Provide the name of a file to which to write information about particles
that get lost. File is in SDDS format.