1 Introduction

The program clinchor calculates the growth rates of longitudinal and transverse coupled bunch modes in an electron storage ring. This program combines features that are found separately in other programs such as ZAP[1], BBI[2] and PC-BBI[3]. The effort in writing another coupled bunch program is justified further by the opportunity to implement more flexible input and output methods. The input command file is written entirely in namelist commands, and the input and output data files are in SDDS format. The postprocessing and graphics are done outside of clinchor using the SDDS toolkits.

The method of calculation in clinchor is based on the normal mode analysis of K. Thompson and R. Ruth[4]. The bunches are treated as point charges and therefore only rigid bunch modes are calculated, which means Landau damping and coherent damping from short-term wake-fields is not considered. The effect of bunch length on the strength of the wake fields generated is take into account, however.

For those with inquiring minds, the name of the program comes from the expression “calculation of longitudinal and transverse coupled bunch instability due to cavity higher-order mode resonators.”

The rest of the guide is organized in three sections. The general features are presented in the next section. In section 3, the input commands are explained in more detail. The HOM definition file format is explained in section 4.