2 General Features
The calculation features of the program are:
- treatment of general bunch distributions plus randomization of charge,
- inclusion of bunch form factor, which reduces the effect of impedance on the beam,
- shifting of one or more HOM frequencies to the closest dangerous resonant frequency,
- sweeping of one cavity higher-order mode (HOM) frequencies,
- randomization of the cavity higher-order mode (HOM) frequencies for Monte Carlo
simulations, i.e representing changes that might occur during operations,
- frequency-stepping (staggering) of the HOM frequencies across cavities,
- effect of the beta function at the RF cavities for transverse motion.
The implementation features of the program are:
- C language coding,
- input file with namelist commands,
- HOM input data stored in convenient SDDS-format files, along with flags for number of cavities
and setting to resonance,
- output files compatible with SDDS toolkits,
These items are briefly explained below.