10.72 MRFDF—Zero-length Multipole RF DeFlector from dipole to decapole

Zero-length Multipole RF DeFlector from dipole to decapole
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : no
Back-tracking capable? : no

Parameter Name UnitsType Default


FACTOR double1

A factor by which to multiply all components.

TILT RADdouble0.0

rotation about longitudinal axis

A1 V∕m double0.0

Vertically-deflecting dipole

A2 V∕m2double0.0

Skew quadrupole

A3 V∕m3double0.0

Skew sextupole

A4 V∕m4double0.0

Skew octupole

A5 V∕m5double0.0

Skew decapole

B1 V∕m double0.0

Horizontally-deflecting dipole

B2 V∕m2double0.0

Normal quadrupole

B3 V∕m3double0.0

Normal sextupole

B4 V∕m4double0.0

Normal octupole

B5 V∕m5double0.0

Normal decapole

FREQUENCY1 HZ double2856000000

Dipole frequency

FREQUENCY2 HZ double2856000000

Quadrupole frequency

FREQUENCY3 HZ double2856000000

Sextupole frequency

FREQUENCY4 HZ double2856000000

Octupole frequency

FREQUENCY5 HZ double2856000000

Decapole frequency

PHASE1 HZ double0.0

Dipole phase

PHASE2 HZ double0.0

Quadrupole phase

PHASE3 HZ double0.0

Sextupole phase

PHASE4 HZ double0.0

Octupole phase

PHASE5 HZ double0.0

Decapole phase


phase reference number (to link with other time-dependent elements)

START_PASS long -1

If non-negative, pass on which to start modeling cavity.

END_PASS long -1

If non-negative, pass on which to end modeling cavity.

START_PID long -1

If non-negative, lowest particle ID to which deflection is applied.

MRFDF continued

Zero-length Multipole RF DeFlector from dipole to decapole

Parameter NameUnitsType Default


END_PID long -1

If non-negative, highest particle ID to which deflection is applied.


Optionally used to assign an element to a group, with a user-defined name. Group names will appear in the parameter output file in the column ElementGroup

This element simulates an rf deflector with specified multipole content.

Assuming for simplicity that y = 0, the momentum change in the horizontal plane is

Δp  =  -e---∑  ib xi- 1cosϕ ,
   x   mc2k i=1  i        i

where k = ω∕c and px = βxγ. The deflection is

   ′   Δpx-
Δx  ≈  pz  ,

where the approximation results from the fact that pz = βzγ also changes in order to satisfy Maxwell’s equations.