description: Modifies the acceptance status of the rows of the current data table of a data set by wildcard
matching of a string to the entries in a specified column.
SDDS_table: Address of the SDDS_TABLE structure for the data set.
selection_column: A NULL-terminated character string giving the name of the column
the values in which will be used for modifying the acceptance status of each row. The
column must be of type SDDS_STRING.
matching_string: A NULL-terminated, optionally wildcard-containing character string
to which the entries in the selection column are matched.
logic: A word of bit flags indicating how to combine the previous status of each row
with the acceptance status based on matching to the matching_string. See the manual
entry for SDDS_Logic for details.
return value: On success, returns the total number of rows that are of interest. On failure, returns -1 and records
an error message.